「クールジャパン・マッチングアワード2022 表彰式」
2022年7月14日(木)にニッショーホールにて開催された「クールジャパン・マッチングアワード2022 表彰式」のアーカイブ映像を「クールジャパン戦略: 内閣府 知的財産戦略推進事務局 YouTubeチャンネル」にて公開いたします。
- 開催趣旨Intent behind Awards
参考:クールジャパン戦略(令和元年9月3日決定)クールジャパン戦略With new styles spreading around the world, further efforts to spread the appeal of Japanese culture, from food and content to manufacturing and traditional culture, are needed. The “Cool Japan strategy” supports the global spreading of initiatives based on partnerships between a wide range of sectors and regions that serve to delve into the charm of Japan.*
With the Cool Japan Matching Award 2022, leading Cool Japan initiatives will be recognize with an award. Expectations are that this will serve as an opportunity to bring together and share wisdom regarding and results produced by Cool Japan initiatives aimed at a new world and expand partnerships in the process.Reference: Cool Japan Strategy (Cabinet Office website) Cool Japan Strategy
Award Results

ゲーム「Rogue Company」上にて京都の文化財が再現されたステージ“Kyoto Job”は、米国のゲームパブリッシャーのHi-Rez Studiosの意向を受けて、KPMGコンサルティングが企画し、京都市の協力により実現した。感染症対策のために外国人の京都観光が困難になる中、世界で2千万人以上の同ゲームのユーザーがオンライン上で京都の街並みを体験でき、収益の一部を京都市に寄付する仕組みとした。これにより、京都の魅力の世界発信、新たなファンの獲得、文化財の保全につながった。
"Kyoto Job," a stage in the videogame "Rogue Company" where the cultural heritage of Kyoto was recreated, came to fruition through the will of the US-based videogame publisher Hi-Rex Studios, the planning of KPMG Consulting and the cooperation of the Kyoto Municipal Government. With COVID-19 measures making it difficult for foreigners to experience sightseeing in Kyoto, this videogame enabled over 20 million players of the same game worldwide to experience the city landscape of Kyoto online, and incorporated a system where part of the proceeds are donated to the city itself. This initiative helped communicate the charm of Kyoto to a global audience, capture new fans of the city, and preserve its cultural heritage.

Comments by Award Winners
KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.
この度、私どもKPMGコンサルティングと京都市様、Hi-Rez Studios社様との取組みが、クールジャパン・マッチングアワードのグランプリを受賞できたことは、大変名誉なことであり、心から嬉しく思っております。
It is the great honor and joy of us at KPMG Consulting to have received the Cool Japan Grand Prize for our initiative with the Kyoto Municipal Government and Hi-Rez Studios.
We also view our success in realizing this collaboration with a local government that seeks to communicate its regional history and cultural heritage to the rest of the globe while safeguarding that history and heritage and a video game company that is loved by its worldwide player base comprised largely of members of Generation Z, which will carry considerable influence in future consumer markets, as being highly significant as an example of utilizing the metaverse. In particular, our success in creating a win-win arrangement among three parties as a scheme for cultivating understanding of Japan’s charm among youth around the world even in this situation where it is difficult for them to actually make their way to the country due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic is a major accomplishment.
Going forward, we intend to continue doing our part for the creation of new markets by utilizing digital technology to convey the charm of Japan to the rest of the world while working together with a myriad of stakeholders.
Kyoto Municipal Government
We are glad that you have evaluated our efforts of connecting new ties and sending the deep charm of Kyoto through online games.
"Tradition is a series of innovations."
Kyoto is a city that has continued to create new culture for over a thousand years.
We will continue to bring various attractions to the world!
We will continue to challenge.
Comments by Panelists
夏野 剛 審査委員長(近畿大学 特別招聘教授 情報学研究所長)
Takeshi Natsuno, Panel Chairman
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute Kindai University
「Rogue Company」はこれまでも世界中のリアルな街をテーマにしてゲームを展開していますが、京都をシューティングゲームの中に再現するというのは、他の都市と比べても難易度が極めて高く、またゲーム性も複雑になります。京都市の正式な協力のもと、コロナ禍で訪問できない京都をゲームの中で楽しめるこの試みを高く評価します。
For some time, the videogame "Rogue Company" has featured gameplay themed after actual cities around the world. Even so, recreating Kyoto within a shooting game poses extraordinarily high difficulties compared to other cities, as well as complexities with gameplay. This endeavor, which was made possible with the official cooperation of the Kyoto Municipal Government, allows players to enjoy Kyoto, which has been difficult to visit due to the COVID-19 pandemic, within a videogame, and I recognized it accordingly.

"byFood.com" is an all-inclusive platform for Japanese food that supplies videos and blogs and functions for reserving gastronomic experiences and restaurants and using e-commerce to people overseas as well. Over time, local eats have been used as a means of enticing foreign travelers to Japan to sightsee. However, COVID-19 measures have made such travel to Japan difficult, Given that situation, together with the Government of the Town of Yoichi in Hokkaido and Yoichi LOOP, byFood endeavored to stream videos covering information on the Town of Yoichi followed by parings of locally-produced, locally-consumed eats and Japanese wine. byFood now regularly transmits information to 200,000 individuals across the world through SNS, has made videos with YouTube creators from across the globe, and has reached 80,000 followers and four million views on its YouTube channel. The company also does it part for society by donating ten school lunches to children in developing countries every time a member makes a reservation.

Comments by Award Winners
Tablecross Inc.
Through the “byFood.com” gastronomic platform, we are focusing on enticing travelers from the West to regional Japanese cities in addition to Tokyo, Osaka and other city centers in Japan, and have been continuing to offer services such as those that enable those customers to purchase regional foods through cross-border e-commerce even after they have returned to their home countries.
We are hoping for the creation of an ecosystem that enables regions to earn more foreign currency, stimulate the local economy and pass on local gastronomic culture to subsequent generations. It would please us greatly if we could energize Cool Japan activities together as we move forward.
Thank you for this wonderful award.
Comments by Panelists
夏野 剛 審査委員長(近畿大学 特別招聘教授 情報学研究所長)
Takeshi Natsuno, Panel Chairman
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute Kindai University
With the subsiding of the COVID-19 pandemic on the horizon, it will become increasingly important going forward to convey the goodness of Japan to inbound tourists from foreign countries and increase their absolute numbers. I want to take this opportunity to recognize this wonderful service for communicating Japan’s gastronomic culture in a lively manner through the provision of information, video editing and website composition in ways that foreigners can identify with as well as for making actual reservations possible.

With the growth in chances to view video streams worldwide, business dealings for expanding Japanese films overseas are also being conducted online in greater number. “Filmination” developed a system over which Japanese films rights holders can pursue contracts exclusively in Japanese and overseas vendors can do the same exclusively in English as an online business platform geared towards that overseas distribution of Japanese films. This platform is now being provided to Japanese films rights holders. Through the cooperation of film festivals as well, over 300 such contracts have been formed in a year’s time. The actual business of uploading films for trial viewing onto the platform, notifying overseas vendors and pursuing associated contracts is now being conducted through telecommuting from around the world.

Comments by Award Winners
Filmination Co., Ltd.
At Filmination, our goal is to bring more Japanese films to the rest of the world through IT. While we are naturally pursuing our initiatives as a business as well, over half of the people involved in them have experience living overseas, and our activities are also driven by our will to do something about modern-day Japan. All of us at Filmination are thrilled to have won this award. Thank you.
Comments by Panelists
梅澤 高明 審査員(A.T.カーニー 日本法人会長/CIC Japan会長)
Takaaki Umezawa, Panelists
Senior Partner at A.T. Kearney/Chairperson of CIC Japan
This platform offers Japanese films for purchase online by overseas distributors. As illustrated by the likes of “Lost in Translation,” facilitating the distribution of video works with Japanese themes overseas is an incredibly effective means of promoting Japan. Recognizing the success that this platform had in simplifying contract proceedings and achieving 300 works sold to over 100 business operators in the span of a year, I selected it for the Runner-Up Prize.

「分身ロボットによる外出困難者のテレワーク」という新たな働き方を提唱し、2018年から多くの当事者との協働による4回のイベントカフェを開催。2021年6月に常設実験店「分身ロボットカフェDAWN ver.β」を開設した。2021年9月のアルス・エレクトロニカ(オーストリア)では現地の人が日本橋のOriHimeにログインして「分身ロボット来店」する実験を実施。現在は日本全国にいる重度障害を持つ外出困難者を始め、オーストラリアにいる子育て中の女性など、様々な理由で「外出困難」な約70人がOriHimeパイロットとして働いている。
Advocating a new work style for people with difficulties in venturing outside in the form of “telecommuting with the use of a robot,” with the help of the numerous parties involved, OryLab had held four event cafés since 2018. In June 2021, it opened “Avatar Robot Café DAWN Ver. β” as a permanent demonstration store. At Ars Electronica (Australia) in September 2021, the company performed demonstrations in which local individuals logged onto OriHime in Nihombashi, Tokyo and visited shops using an avatar robot. At present, about 70 individuals who have difficulties venturing outside for a variety of reasons, including those across Japan with severe disabilities and women based in Australia who are in the middle of raising a child, are working as OriHime pilots.

Comments by Award Winners
OryLab Inc.
We want to bring attention to the fact that the OriHime pilots in service at our café are of varying backgrounds, from people with physical disabilities and those in the middle of raising a child to those who are currently hospitalized and those who are now providing nursing care to family members. The reason why is because we have positioned this initiative as “a social experience for all people with difficulties venturing outside to continue having points of contact with society.” We believe that the much-lamented issues of “isolation” and “a lack of help” can be resolved if we just change how we create those points of contact. We hope to broadcast our declaration that "Japan will handle these problems like this" to people far and wide.
Comments by Panelists
山田 早輝子 審査員(国際ガストロノミー学会日本代表、株式会社FOOD LOSS BANK代表取締役社長)
Sakiko Yamada, Panelists
Japan Representative of International Academy of Gastronomy
As lives become increasingly long in Japan, a gap of roughly ten years between the average life span and the average healthy life expectancy has reared itself in the nation. This initiative has demonstrated and shown to the world that it is possible for people who are bedridden and have little job experience to engage in customer services and sales remotely, as well as that new, further improved work styles have been cultivated as a result of our experience with the COVID-19 pandemic. I found these areas of the initiative to be outstanding. Equally wonderful was how focus was placed on the area of diversity, a relatively overlooked aspect up to this point.

ICHIGO has been engaged in cross-border e-commerce operations since 2015. To provide popular assortments of Japanese confectionaries to foreign travelers to Japan over the Internet as well, in 2021, the company initiated “SAKURACO,” which offers original boxes containing Japanese confectionaries and tea by long-established regional manufacturers for purchase by people all over the world using a subscription model. In collaboration with the Kanagawa Prefectural Government, ICHIGO sold original boxes containing products by Kanagawa-based manufacturers in the same year. Since the service commenced, over 160,000 original boxes and more than 3.2 million pieces of Japanese confectionary have been sold in the span of about one year. ICHIGO intends to expand its business dealings to 60 manufacturers across Japan by March 2022 and link up with eight local governments by December 2022.

Comments by Award Winners
SAKURACO is a service that communicates Japanese confectionaries and tea created by small regional manufacturers and their considerable cultural value to customers around the globe. Since the launch of this service in 2021, we have used SAKURACO to put about five million pieces of confectionary in the hands of people in over 150 countries worldwide. We will keep up our vigorous efforts to bring the charm of Japan to the rest of the world. Thank you so much for today.
Comments by Panelists
ローレン・ローズ・コーカー 審査員(株式会社stu COO)
Lauren Rose Kocher, Panelists
COO of stu Inc.
I was floored by the overseas performance of SAKURACO. My impression was that we should take notes on the power of SNS platforms and how they were used. Additionally, the depth of presentation that extended to a documentary of traditional Japanese confectionary manufacturers as opposed to the use of superficial branding was wonderful. Please continue to offer products from Japan to the rest of the world for purchase through e-commerce. Congratulations on your award.

アニメ制作会社のゴンゾとブロックチェーンゲーム開発やNFT事業を手がけるdouble jump.tokyoが、7人のアニメ・クリエイターに新たな創作発表の機会を提供。アニメ×侍というテーマのアート作品をNFTで販売。2021年9月に販売開始された4種類計1,458点のシンボルNFTは全て1時間以内に完売、海外のNFTコレクターからも人気を博し、SNSのDiscord上では500人超のグローバルなコミュニティが醸成された。今後は、アニメ制作に向けてプロジェクトを拡大していく予定である。
double jump.tokyo, which engages in the development of blockchain games and non-fungible token (NFT) businesses together with anime production studio GONZO, supplied opportunities to seven anime creators for them to announce their new creations. Their works of art based on the theme of “anime & samurai” were then sold in the form of NFT. A total of 1,458 symbol NFT across four categories that went on sale in September 2021 were completely sold out within one hour. These items were popular among NFT collectors based overseas as well, and an associated global community in excess of 500 members sprung up on the SNS Discord. Going forward, double jump.tokyo intends to expand its products with a view to anime production.

Comments by Award Winners
アニメデジタル化時代を30年来切り開いて来たゴンゾが送り出す、第一弾NFT自律分散コンテンツ「SAMURAI cryptos」。
"SAMURAI cryptos" marks the first entry in NFT-based autonomous distribution content by GONZO, a trailblazer in this era of digitalized anime for thirty years now. It pleases us immensely that this work was recognized with an award. The "SAMURAI cryptos" project has just gotten off the ground, with only "seven samurai" at the time of its inception. However, going forward, we seek to turn this into a bigger movement with the involvement of creators around the world, and hope to benefit from their cooperation down the road.
Comments by Panelists
コチュ・オヤ 審査員(株式会社Oyraa 代表取締役社長)
Oya Koc, Panelists
CEO of Oyraa
コンテンツの寿命は長くなり、「IP100年時代」と言われている昨今、様々なコンテンツや資産所有権のデジタル化を支えるNFTは日本経済や競争力強化のために不可欠な分野です。日本の貴重な文化であるアニメにおいてクリエイター・作品・ファンを国境を越えて繋ぐNFT取り組みを実現できたSamurai Cryptosの功績は評価に値します。ご受賞おめでとうございます。今後、さらなる発展を祈念いたします。
With content having a longer life than before, we find ourselves in what people call "an era where IPs last 100 years." In these times, the sector of NFTs, which underpin the digitalization of a myriad of content and property ownership rights, is indispensable in the Japanese economy and the bolstering of its competitiveness. As SAMURAI cryptos is an example of a successful NFT initiative that went beyond national borders to link together creators, works and fans in Japan’s precious culture of anime, I believe that its achievements are worthy of recognition. Congratulations on your award and I look forward to even greater developments going forward.

A performance with live attendees that starred kabuki actor Nakamura Shido and virtual singer Hatsune Miku alongside each other was held at the long-established Minamiza Theatre in Kyoto in 2021. This performance climaxed with a performance of “Cho kabuki” consisting of a fusion of NTT's state-of-the-art technology in which Shido was covered in the light of penlights shone on him by the audience. Paid streaming of the stage, which became prevalent worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was offered for this performance, which was streamed online in eleven countries complete with English subtitles. In addition to being highly praised for the understandability of those subtitles, the combination of kabuki and Hatsune Miku, together with the fusion of tradition and cutting-edge technology, were also well-received. The performance successfully demonstrated the appeal of kabuki on an international stage.

Comments by Award Winners
Our mission at Shochiku is to dedicate ourselves to the succession and development of kabuki and contribute to global culture.
Made possible with the help of NTT and DWANGO, “cho” kabuki is a new endeavor that successfully fuses advanced technology with classical kabuki while safeguarding the traditions of the latter.
Having received this award, we have been recognized for continuing to hold repeated performances since 2016, growing our initiative from a two-day event to a one-month theatrical run, and streaming it to the world. For us, there is no higher honor.
Comments by Panelists
楠本 修二郎 審査員(カフェ・カンパニー株式会社 代表取締役社長、株式会社グッドイートカンパニー代表取締役社長CEO)
Shujiro Kusumoto, Panelists
The era to come will have increasingly fewer barriers between entertainment and technology. I was impressed at how this initiative combined the traditional culture attentively built up by the Japanese people over time with abstract content of the modern age and, on top of that, elevated them into a form of live entertainment based on tourist participation and conveyed them to the rest of the world. We believe the development of cross-genre initiatives starting with this one will link to Japan’s future going forward.

カムイルミナは、阿寒摩周国立公園の「自然」溢れる阿寒湖畔の森で、アイヌの伝承に基づく「文化」のストーリーを、歩きながら楽しむライトな「アクティビティ」で、アドベンチャートラベルの要素が3つ揃ったコンテンツ。カナダのMOMENT FACTORYが制作し、世界で展開する「ルミナ・ナイトウォーク」シリーズの1つで、国立公園での開催は世界初。本コンテンツは、アイヌの人々のストーリー監修、会場の土地利用、国立公園で開催する上での関係者の協力など、多くの連携で実現。今まで、2019年・2021年の2シーズンで合計約51,000名が入場。今後インバウンドを含め、多くの方々のご来場を目指す。
Kamuy Lumina is a forest by the nature-rich Lake Akan in Akan Mashu National Park. In this casual activity, visitors can enjoy a story of culture based on Ainu legends while strolling through the forest, making it an ideal spot for adventure travel. Produced by the Canada-based MOMENT FACTORY, the forest is part of the “Lumina Night Walk” series developed worldwide, and marks the first time an entry in that series has been opened in a national park. The forest was made possible through numerous forms of cooperation, including the supervision of the story by the Ainu people, land utilization at the venue, and the help of involved parties in opening the event in a national park. Between the two seasons of 2019 and 2021, a total of about 51,000 people have visited the forest thus far. An even greater number of visitors is sought going forward with the resumption of inbound travel.

Comments by Award Winners
Akan Adventure Tourism Corp.
Thank you so much for bestowing this Matching Award onto us.
We have been implementing “Kamuy Lumina” as a priority measure for the Akan Mashu National Park Enjoyment Project with the help of many members of the local community.
Based on that cooperation, we intend on further doing our part to entice people to Hokkaido through digital art based on Ainu culture and natural experiences at Lake Akan as we move forward.
Comments by Panelists
玉沖 仁美 審査員(㈱紡 代表取締役)
Hitomi Tamaoki, Panelists
CEO of Tsumugi Co., Ltd
Making use of a natural park while safeguarding it as a tourist resource and having visitors enjoy it was a challenge in itself. My hope is that this will become a case study for other national parks. In terms of multilingual support as well, this initiative is a superior example that will also link to a decrease in contract frequency through means such as having people use their own smartphone. More than anything else, I recognize how this activity is a product of the cooperation of numerous locally-based related parties, and anticipate that this initiative will be loved for a long time to come.

2020年に「葛飾北斎」を題材とした舞台芸術作品「The Life of HOKUSAI」を製作。世界で活躍するパフォーミングアーティスト「サカクラカツミ」の演出で、ノンバーバル(台詞なし)作品を完成。舞踊、和楽器演奏に日本画の最新鋭デジタルプロジェクション等、映像技術を組み合わせた作品をコロナ禍のため無観客で上演。それを映像収録し、映像作品としても上映可能とした。2021年イギリスエジンバラ芸術祭フリンジにオンライン出品し、4つ星★高評価を獲得。今後は、舞台の世界公演、全世界映像配信等、多様な展開を計画中。
Global Business Labo produced the work of theatrical arts “The Life of HOKUSAI” based on painter Katsushika Hokusai in 2020. A complete nonverbal work directed by Katsumi Sakakura, the globally-active performance artist, “The Life of HOKUSAI” combines Japanese dance and musical performances with cutting-edge digital production in Japanese film and other forms of video technology. While performed without an audience due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this work was recorded in video form for screening as a work of video as well. It was entered online into the UK-based Edinburgh Festival Fringe for 2021, where it garnered a high four-star rating. Global Business Labo is currently planning to expand this work in various forms, including global performances on stage and a worldwide video stream.

Comments by Award Winners
Global Business Labo Inc.
On behalf of everyone with involvement in this work, thank you sincerely for this Matching Award. This marriage of theatrical arts and technology is truly a fusion of Japan’s traditional arts and technological innovation. We intend on continuing to do our part for Cool Japan activities through this work, in which the world of Katsushika Hokusai comes back to life with the use of such new presentation techniques.
Comments by Panelists
梅澤 高明 審査員(A.T.カーニー 日本法人会長/CIC Japan会長)
Takaaki Umezawa, Panelists
Senior Partner at A.T. Kearney / Chairperson of CIC Japan
This theatrical work themed after the world-renowned painter Katsushika Hokusai combines a non-verbal performance, projection, and traditional Japanese musical instruments. The video work produced with that work as its motif was also highly received at overseas arts festivals. I selected it for a Matching Award out of recognition for the innovation and artistry of both the theatrical and video works.

若宮 健嗣 内閣府特命担当大臣(クールジャパン戦略)
今回は全63件に及ぶ応募プロジェクトの中から、厳正な審査を経て、9つの取組が選定されました。私も受賞された取組を拝見しましたが、グランプリを受賞された「対戦型シューティングゲーム『Rogue Company』“Kyoto Job”連携プロジェクト」は、世界的に人気のゲームの舞台として京都「二条城」を取り上げ、収益の一部を市の文化財保全に充てるという、企業と自治体との新たな連携の在り方を示した大変興味深い取組でした。私もやってみたいなと思いました。
I am Kenji Wakamiya, the Minister in Charge of the Cool Japan Strategy.
I wish to express my sincerest respect and gratitude to everyone who submitted their initiatives to this contest as well as to the panelists and everyone else who lent their cooperation.
Out of all 63 projects submitted for this Matching Award, following a strict screening, nine initiatives were selected. Having seen the award-winning initiatives, I must say that the “Rogue Company, a shooting game with competitive team play: Kyoto Job Cooperation Project,” which was selected for the Grand Prize, was a fascinating initiative for including Kyoto’s “Nijo Castle” as a stage in a globally-popular videogame and showing an ideal new way for corporations and local governments to collaborate in the form of allocating part of the proceeds to the preservation of Kyoto City’s cultural heritage. I wanted to try out the game myself.
"byFood.com," which was selected for a Runner-Up Prize, succeeded in effective promotional efforts aimed at non-Japanese tourists and the improvement of convenience levels by conveying the charm of Japanese food in abundance as well as by providing gastronomic experience reservations, e-commerce and other functions in a consolidated form. “Filmination,” which was also selected for a Runner-Up Prize, succeeded in expanding opportunities for the overseas popularization of Japanese films by providing a forum for Japanese film rights holders and overseas vendors to pursue contracts online despite language differences. Simultaneously, those two initiatives maximized collaborations between fellow related parties and convenience levels as platforms in their respective sectors. I have great expectations for their future development as well.
In addition, the six total projects chosen for a Special Award or Matching Award constitute outstanding initiatives for communicating the charm of Japan to the world with the use of digital platforms. I, too, hold those projects in considerable regard.
Through matching together various genres, this Matching Award succeeded in discovering Cool Japan initiatives that bring forth new value. I believe that continuing to communicate the charm of Japan in various forms through wide-ranging collaborative efforts among Cool Japan-related parties is of the essence. The Cabinet Office will also put its full support behind those efforts going forward.
I will close my general comments by expressing my hope that everyone who submitted entries to this Matching Award will continue to enjoy success in the future.
夏野 剛 審査委員長(近畿大学 特別招聘教授 情報学研究所長)
This year, there were zero expectations of inbound travel due to COVID-19. Amid that situation, more initiatives for using the Internet to communicate the goodness of Japan to the rest of the world were submitted than previous years. I feel that the inability to have real experiences is exactly what resulted in the realization of numerous new initiatives. These endeavors also spanned a wide range of genres, including videogames, film, food, art, tourism and traditional performing arts, and have served to communicate Japan and its many talents to the entire globe. In screening those endeavors, I found that to be immensely satisfactory as someone who has long engaged in Cool Japan initiatives. I believe those endeavors will link to the enticing of considerable inbound travel as we enter our post-COVID-19 phase.
Additionally, award-winning initiatives newly included live theatrical performances despite the various restrictions in place. As both of those initiatives are based on the premise of online streaming, I imagine that they will considerably influence the hybrid nature of live performances going forward.
Furthermore, a Special Award-winning project that, by having people with disabilities engage in customer service duties through avatar robots, was well-suited to the times and mindful of SDGs, was an amalgamation of kindness and technology that was very Japan-like in a sense. I highly welcome even more submissions of such innovative projects in the future.
In these times when we are coexisting with COVID-19, Cool Japan activities will also usher in a new phase. Precisely because we find ourselves in such times, we are being called upon to use our ingenuity and attempt new endeavors. Constantly tackling new challenges and producing new value as exemplified by these award-winning works will also take on greater importance from the aspect of the Cool Japan initiative. Fusions of the real world and the Internet are sure to gain greater speed as well. I will close my general comments with the strong hope and belief that the people involved in these endeavors will view such change as an opportunity and contribute more and more to Cool Japan.
Panel Chairman/Message

夏野 剛
近畿大学 特別招聘教授 情報学研究所長
Takeshi Natsuno
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute
Kindai University

梅澤 高明
A.T.カーニー 日本法人会長/CIC Japan会長
Takaaki Umezawa
Senior Partner at A.T. Kearney/Chairperson of CIC Japan

楠本 修二郎
カフェ・カンパニー株式会社 代表取締役社長
Shujiro Kusumoto

株式会社stu COO
Lauren Rose Kocher
COO of stu Inc.

株式会社Oyraa 代表取締役社長
Oya Koc
CEO of Oyraa

玉沖 仁美
㈱紡 代表取締役
Hitomi Tamaoki
CEO of Tsumugi Co., Ltd

山田 早輝子
株式会社FOOD LOSS BANK代表取締役社長
Sakiko Yamada
Japan Representative of International Academy of Gastronomy
◆ 主 催:クールジャパン官民連携プラットフォーム
Organizer: The Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform
◆ 後 援:クールジャパン機構/日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)/日本商工会議所/東京商工会議所/映像産業振興機構(VIPO)
Support: Cool Japan Fund Inc. / Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) / The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry / The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Visual Industry Promotion Organization(VIPO)
◆ 事務局:内閣府知的財産戦略推進事務局
Secretariat: Cabinet Office Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters